Friday, April 2, 2010

Corporate Law isn't only law...

It's also business!!

Change of pace.

Unfortunately, I won't be attending the Forum for Law and CSI. Deadlines have come and gone and I haven't raised enough money yet. Instead, I'll be trying to attend a business camp in Claremont, California at Scripps College.

It's called Camp $tart-Up!

An 11 day business camp, it's almost like the Forum (i.e. meeting with accomplished lawyers, visiting law companies, going to seminars, and more), but only with business people.

Although the tuition costs more, the camp is almost twice as long. The camp tuition is $2,955 .

Do not fret, there are scholarships available and I'm currently working on mine.

Don't forget to press the "Donate" button.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Everything starts from something

I was recently asked a question: What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail?

My answer was, "Everything." Last week was Career Fair day at my school and I signed up for a discussion about scholarships.

Fact: About 4 million dollars went unused locally for scholarships. Just in Alaska.

I was then asked why wouldn't students apply for scholarships. Everyone in the room automatically came up with the conclusion that students don't apply for scholarships because they're afraid they would fail and not be accepted for the intended scholarship.

The speaker then went on to tell us a story of how a girl started to apply for scholarships her sophomore year and by her senior year, she had $152,000 in scholarships for college.

There are many scholarships out there that are offered to numerous individuals. From kids with red hair to women who know how to fly a helicopter.

I am now applying a for a scholarship for the forum to Washington D.C.

Remember, every penny counts!

Web sites that offer scholarships are:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Tips galore.


Here are some helpful tips that I've learned while on my own fundraising journey.

1) Plan ahead, start early, and stay organized.
2) Ask everyone you know around your community.
3) Don't let rejections get you down. You'll receive more rejections than acceptances.
4) Suggest a specific amount to each donor (be realistic).
5) Be enthusiastic, show that you care about your topic.
6) Be polite and say thank you.

Follow these tips and see how it goes. Does anyone else have any other tips? Leave a comment!

AND keep pressing that donate button.

Thank you and I'm out!

Friday, February 5, 2010

D.C. here I come..


My name is Michelle.

I have been nominated to attend a Forum on Law and and CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) in Washington D.C. this summer. This will be a great opportunity for me and my fellow peers to learn more about our future profession. The Forum enables students to participate in law trials and crime investigations, also allowing students to visit law firms, law schools, and legal institutions.

In order to attend the Forum, I and my fellow nominees have to raise a tuition of about $1.800 which includes a payment for college credit and a tuition and travel protection plan. I'm asking you, readers, to help me out. Every penny counts and I would be eternally grateful to those who are willing to help. Even if it means just sending out happy vibes.

Aside from the tuition, I have to raise money for a round trip ticket and personal expenses. My top priority at the moment however is being able to raise the tuition money first. The deadline is March 19, 2010.

So please press the donate button.

Please and thank you!

For more information about the forum or if you have any questions you can visit their website at or you can email me at